Remixed art

Soul Songs

Celestial songs to open and enchant the heart of your inner universe

Conscious vocal lyrics, melodic tones, harmonies, and rhythms to evoke and transform hidden, emotional terrains

Singing journeys to explore the beauty of natural and ethereal landscapes

Harmonic, elemental music to orchestrate the soul back into order from the dissonance and fragmentation of modern culture

The pure love, joy and power of songs to entrain and interweave divine human souls

Praise from audience and clients

“Your voice is beautiful and powerful… I can keep listening for a long time.” – audience

“I love how fairy angelic and soulful your songs are.” – S.R., music engineer


Vocal Music for Celestial Journeys

Singing divine love songs for shamanic soul journeying

Repertoire: original songs of the celestial God/dess Muse, Hawaiian-Lemurian & Atlantean chants, musical theater, world fusion, and pop jazz   

Song forms: Inspirational lyrics, clear melody, beautiful harmonies, sacred temple bass beats, and complex timbres

Acoustic and electronic instrumental accompaniment: keyboard, guitar, hand drum, flute, crystal bowl, didjeridoo, and more

Healing nature sounds: ocean waves, waterfalls, mermaids/cetaceans, elven jungle rainforest birds, and celestial ambience

Harmonic music frequencies: natural 432 hz tuning, master Gene Keys numerology, ancient Egyptian/Atlantean chords, world scales, and Venus/Sun tones

Weaving transformational keycodes of ancient-future, high Lemurian-Hawaiian, Druidic-Celtic, and Atlantean-Egyptian cultures

Singing for Rose Healing & Soul Retrieval

Red rose singing for heart opening. Quantum grail singularity healing

Hawaiian/Lemurian/Atlantean shamanic drumming and journeying to spirit realms. Hypno-breathing while grounded in body. Retrieving soul fragments across other worlds and timelines

Crystal bowl toning, tuning fork attunements, and crystal stone charging of primal trinity life force currents. Sage cleansing of auric field, chakras, and kundalini overlay of the energy body

Songs to call in harmonious unions and alliances. No invoking of false deities, archangels, ascended masters, ETs, etc that distract from the individual spiritual essence

Musical journey to recall deepest soul power and purpose. 


For multidimensional creatives, wizards, and mystics seeking inspiration, soul healing, and cosmic uplevel

For those awakening and attuning to eternal, celestial truths. Not for those who want to stay in New Age false light and astral AI, 5D ascension programs

With creatrix ritual artist Kyliya Ivy


Virtual sessions

In-person sessions available in SF Bay/Santa Cruz, CA

In-person, small group sessions in sacred luxurious, private spaces in Santa Cruz, Marin CA, Kauai, Maui, Sedona, Mt Shasta, and other global nature vortex hotspots


1 to 2 hour long sessions. Available in schedule calendar soon


Spiritual Heart Attunement
Unlock your deep heart from core, multidimensional traumas
Radiate your divine love to naturally shift your world

Crystalline Clarity
Unravel spirit’s clues to your current life’s mysteries
Heal disharmonic patterns, and align to your innermost self

Increased Creativity
Experience your highest imagination and calling
Activate and enjoy your creative abundance

Wellbeing of Body Instrument
Cleanse dissonant, toxic energies for vibrant health
Tune soul DNA and experience physical wellness

Expanded, Harmonic Consciousness
Awaken to your soul essence and genius signature blueprint
Recall your hidden, celestial origins, muse and destiny

Music samples coming soon

To book and inquire about my musical services, please contact me

7 + 10 =

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