Creative direction and design mapping – holistic, geomantic strategies, and harmonic science, technologies, and architecture for new healing arts spaces

Harmonic creation templates – harmonic frequency sound/music, photonic color light glyphs, somatic spiral movement, ecological land design, and elemental, natural food principles

Galactic tribal, chic luxury, and eco futuristic aesthetics

Synergizing the realms of art, technology, health and consciousness

Consultations for wellness centers, resort spas, sanctuary temples, and eco villages

Co-designing and building multi-sensory, health enhancing, and ecological spaces as much-needed, hotspot hubs for uniting conscious community

Inviting collaboration with new paradigm architects, designers, builders, engineers, land developers, investors, and entrepreneurs for Nu Lemuria-Atlantis Earth

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Kyliya Ivy has multimedia, eco design consulting experience with world-renowned leaders and visionary ventures, such as multimedia sound healing, somatic dance and wellness centers, and global ecovillage thinktanks for 25+ years. With an interdisciplinary arts degree from an elite university, numerous holistic design certifications, deep independent study, and top allies in this field, she is well-versed in quantum harmonic architectural templates and temples for the planetary shift.

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Sound-Light Spa

Somatic Dance Space

Immersive Landscape Video

Superfood Cuisine

Aqua Villa


  • Address the need for conscious, transformative harmonic sound and music frequencies to uplift mental, emotional, and physical health and the environment that is full of dissonant and disharmonic energies
  • Offer safe sanctuaries for sacred feminine movement and dance that is a universal expression, in a society that is mostly sedentary and promotes aggressive, masculine types of movement
  • Illuminate higher, cosmic imagery and visions of a harmonious world to dispel the dominant, negative media broadcasts
  • Create sacred spaces that are harmonically resonant, ecologically minded, and health optimizing, instead of the typical building that is toxic and destructively interfering with the environment
  • Provide nourishing, delectable whole foods in tune with the body and nature’s cycles, rather than artificial, genetically modified fare that has been causing the rise of chronic illness


You are a New Earth architect of living wisdom temple spaces to usher in our interstellar destiny, and have a hyper drive to make a big impact for generations

As a wizard designer, you are alchemizing many areas for the planetary shift, and ready for further innovation and elevation

You are co-building new paradigm architecture that catalyzes synergistic arts, technology, and culture, while seeking new insightful design and oracle roadmaps

As a trailblazing, social entrepreneur, you are paving the way for new, enlightened frameworks for humanity, and are welcoming next-level collaborators



Acoustic vocal, celestial nature and infrasonic bass music for vibrotactile sound healing journeys 

Vibroacoustic sound bed and zero gravity chair for harmonic frequency body attunement

Hydroacoustic water spa for floating, deep relaxation

Wide spectrum light lamp for brainwave entrainment and pineal gland activation

Scalar wave and biophotonic fields of Energy Enhancement System (EES) for whole system healing

Learn more: Vibroacoustic Attunement

Roxiva light lamp, Opus sound bed


Ecstatic, somatic dance space – eco wood floor and galactic decor to inspire movement and embodiment rituals

Aerial yoga swings for flexibility, toning and strength

DJ music stand – state-of-the-art surround sound, sacred geometry and glyphic art, and morphing color lights for immersive effects

Sacred altar – fresh flowers, candles, crystal grid, geomantic and feng shui elements for temple sanctuary design

Learn more: Sonic Dance Temple

Power of Now Oasis

Power of Now Oasis


Ecstatic, somatic dance space – eco wood floor and galactic decor to inspire movement and embodiment rituals

Aerial yoga swings for flexibility, toning and strength

DJ music stand – state-of-the-art surround sound, sacred geometry and glyphic art, and morphing color lights for immersive effects

Sacred altar – fresh flowers, candles, crystal grid, geomantic and feng shui elements for temple sanctuary design

Learn more: Sonic Dance Temple

Oraya Movement


Panoramic video projection of vortex nature landscapes and glyphic art to inspire an ecological, luxurious temple space

Spectral colors and high frequency design for multi-sensory expansion

Immersive nature film to stimulate beauty, wonder and guardianship of earth power hotspots and the cosmos

Learn more: Glyphic Painting & Architecture


Organic, rainbow superfood alchemy for healthy, optimal nutrition and gourmet taste palates

In-house or catered farm-to-table dining with living, whole foods

Fresh fruit juices, smoothies, and herbal elixir drinks

Plant-based and omnivore entrees and desserts for varying eating plans

Artisanal, molecular gastronomy test kitchen

Learn more: Elemental Superfood Alchemy


Organic, rainbow superfood alchemy for healthy, optimal nutrition and gourmet taste palates

In-house or catered farm-to-table dining with living, whole foods

Fresh fruit juices, smoothies, and herbal elixir drinks

Plant-based and omnivore entrees and desserts for varying eating plans

Artisanal, molecular gastronomy test kitchen

Learn more: Elemental Superfood Alchemy


Spa Temple

Designing sacred spaces for bio-regenesis quantum health optimization, and longevity

Triangular, pyramidal roofs, and fire elemental shapes

Curved cantilevers and walls, and water elemental shapes

Floral garden, grotto spa for sacred water rites 

Waterfall elixir bar for medicinal healing

Morphing color, bioluminescent galaxy pool for holistic rejuvenation practices 

Galactic Earth Center

Building Nu Lemurian, ecotopian headquarters and villages

Ecozoic fractal, natural landscape design

Galactic biomorphic shape and elemental color design 

Eco building materials – bamboo, hempcrete, tensile membrane, 3D printing and more

Permaculture, biodynamic and hydroponic farming

Native tribal land reclamation and sovereign nation building

Veliz Arquitecto (top 3rd from left)


Spa Temple

Designing sacred spaces for bio-regenesis quantum health optimization, and longevity

Triangular, pyramidal, and fire elemental shapes

Curved, wavy cantilevers and walls, and water elemental shapes

Floral garden, grotto spa for sacred water rites 

Waterfall elixir bar for medicinal healing

Morphing color, bioluminescent galaxy pool for holistic rejuvenation practices 

Galactic Earth Center

Building Nu Lemurian, ecotopian headquarters and villages

Ecozoic fractal, natural landscape design

Galactic biomorphic shape and elemental color design 

Eco building materials – bamboo, hempcrete, tensile membrane, 3D printing and more

Permaculture, biodynamic and hydroponic farming

Native tribal land reclamation and sovereign nation building

Veliz Arquitecto (top 3rd from left)

Please contact to inquire more

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