Celestial Music.Arts

vocal music, lyrical water dance, muse biofashion art, bioarchitecture design, vibe elixir food, and harmonic, psi energy oracle arts

advanced, cosmic arts school for soul genius quest, enlightenment, and New Earth building

for Humanity and Planetary Awakening

< under construction >

Kyliya Ivy

mystical singer, dancer, designer & oracle artist

Co-architecting a higher paradigm
as a visionary key flame activator for planetary/galactic leaders  

Music coming soon…


.: Harmonic Vocal Music

.: Lyrical Elemental Dance

.: Muse BioFashion

.: Harmonic BioArchitecture

.: Vibe Elixir Food

Time to Wake Up from the Dreamspell

Higher keys and attunements
for starseed creatives, wizards and planetary shifters
for those already initiated into galactic/cosmic mysteries


Master maps to attune to higher musical muse and inspiration for soul and life purpose.
Design your colorful life according to your core passions, gifts and talents.
Embody and feel your unique, soul genius spark and flame to transcend earthly bewilderment and disharmony – and resonate octave orders above and below.

Secret light art rays to attract and cultivate vibrationally aligned, high enchanted grail, divine union relationships.
Dance in discovery of kindred accord and partnerships in sacred spaces.
Clear mass spells of dark, lower chakra tantra, and recode to co-creative, heart-tuned evolution.

Holistic lifestyle tips to illuminate your specific, elemental frequency-wave and DNA blueprint.
Move your spiral, liquid, bioenergetic body, and enliven your wild, primal self in the pristine, healing light rays of nature.
Self-test for recipes and hacks for radiant wellness and longevity.
Re-sync and repair the mind-body discord in the collective morphogenetic field.

Innovative toolkits for aligning to soul archetypal brand instructions for your harmonic earth mission.
Circulate true currency and resources in tribal community for New Earth home and village building.
Alchemize the shadow pains of global discord, and tune to the real abundance of the quantum world.

Celestial God/dess Music & Beauty Arts

ritual song, dance, fashion, painting, architecture design, holographic video, elixir food

Aqual-Elvin ascension masters, Venus temple arts, water ceremony, high enchantments, divine royalty, holistic creative imagination

transcending dark tantric media and culture.

reunifying sacred art & science

Harmonic.Spectra Physics & Cosmology Arts

vibrational sound, color light, spiral bioenergetics, plasmic electromagnetics

transharmonic Keylontic Science, sacred music ratios, biogeometry, 15D Kathara/Tree of Life, trinary open source code, pyramid ascension, space weather

evolving past artificial 3D time matrix.

unlocking organic, multiversal Akashic Records, earth grid, time travel, star portals & motherships

Krystic Bioenergetic Arts

pure energy essence, divine eternal love, God/dess union, trinity heart flame, elemental magick alchemy, quantum energy medicine, diamond rainbow lightbody, psi immortality arts

Huna spirituality, primordial Adam & Eve DNA blueprint, rose tantric, Magi grail lineages, master Gene Keys, oracle destiny maps, spiritual passion business

unveiling Earth’s bio-spiritual war, and false light, astral AI New Age agenda

recalling true, lost ancient-future memory and civilizations. returning Mu-Lemurian Hawaiian, Atlantean Egyptian & Druidic Celtic mysticism

More coming soon…


Kyliya’s musical and design work is so inspiring and brilliant, and her future plans are what we need on the planet today. Her Hawaiian song chants are fairy-like beautiful. Her art is Lemurian magic, I love it. She has inspired me to do my music and life’s work in quantum ways.

She is one of the smartest people I know and the most dedicated scientist, who is researching all the time and has helped me find the latest technologies to utilize in my immersive sound & light therapy practice. Anyone who works with her will make big breakthroughs. – Stephen R., sound technology inventor/music engineer, PA

She is an epic, creative force of nature, who got me to the next, great level of my mission. – S.M., sacred feminine teacher, CA

Wow, she is a powerhouse of light. –conscious musician, Australia

She’s a real goddess. – world musician, CA

She is a gem in my life. Brilliant and powerful. – consciousness teacher, CA

She is the evolutionary woman embodied. – Barbara M.H., renowned futurist

Thank you for all your brilliant work. – Celestine S., galactic ambassador

I love your work! Such brilliance and gifts. You has so much to offer this world.

Your Empress energy and leadership as an Ascended Goddess Supreme. I’ve witnessed you really step into her power, and I know it hasn’t been easy so I commend you. – Caitlin N., women’s business consultant, AZ

I love your dance movements, very creative and entrancing. – audience, CA

You are a cosmic beauty. I can feel your deep heart. – consciousness leader, HI

You are the most creative force and important to the planet. – holistic healer, CA

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