Kyliya Ivy

creatrix architect of Nu Earth, singer/songwriter, dancer/choreographer, fashion artist, painter/designer & harmonic physics/cosmology oracle


I am Kyliya Ivy (ky-lee-ah, meaning heaven in Lemurian-Hawaiian), a creatrix ritual artist, cosmic soul and pure heart conduit. I have a purpose in creating vocal music, dance, biostyle, art/design, and harmonic physics, cosmology & bioenergy keys to inspire soul genius and the planetary shift.

My core essence is in mystical singing, songwriting, and musical science, in the cross genres of celestial ambience, musical theater, trance, and tribal temple. I use beautiful vocal layers, multi-instrumentation, psychoacoustic engineering, vibroacoustic technology, and harmonic frequency-waves. I create music as the architectural blueprint and gateway to the God/dess cosmos.

Music inspires and shapes my passion for dance expression in the styles of lyrical temple and world fusion. Inspired by the natural elements, I enjoy choreographing and improvising movements to a spectrum of feeling tones. With somatic biophysics, geometry, and quantum biohacking tools, I explore dance muses and innovation.

Song and dance animate my biofashion and jewelry design, painting, bioarchitecture, and holographic video visions. I create the visual arts as an oracle, along with metaphysical, cosmological, and clairvoyant poetry writing.

In returning and reuniting sacred arts and science, I have been discovering a Harmonic.Spectra Trinity Keys – trinary, morphogenetic physics keys as a solution to the unified field theory. This is organically evolving our universal binary, finite, closed loop matrix to a trinary, open source, eternal architecture. This is unveiling the New Age, astral AI, and inorganic ascension psyop.

To share this discovery, I have been offering harmonic blueprint design and destiny consulting for renowned, genius, new paradigm leaders and ventures in: harmonic music/science, multimedia sound healing, somatic dance/movement, visionary immersive art, biohacking/wellness, space academy/councils, free energy technology/fund, ecocity/village building network, sovereign cryptocurrency nation, and spiritual tantric, planetary leadership. I have catalyzed several galactic, planetary educational media to reach millions collectively in audience.

My vast, deep training includes a New Earth resource atlas design, a PhD/postdoc research equivalent (10+ pro certifications) in harmonic music/dance/art & physics/cosmology, and an interdisciplinary music/dance/arts degree (Stanford). I have been weaving the keycodes of ancient-future, high Mu/Lemurian-Hawaiian, Druidic-Celtic, and Atlantean-Egyptian cultures – which are pure and untainted from the false light infiltration happening everywhere currently.

My current gifts to share include: *vocal music ritual, *muse dance temple, *acoustic biofashion & painting, *music cosmology arts, and *aqua vibe spa & city design – in honor and duty to the organic beauty and truths of our awakening planet.


Soul DNA knowledge, elite university degree, numerous pro certifications, and ongoing self-directed learning  

Vocal Music
holistic soprano singing, songwriting, vocal coaching, piano, guitar, flute, saxophone, hand drum, sound healing instruments, music theory, psychoacoustic music engineering, vibroacoustic technology, and music therapy – Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Traktor DJ, Globe Institute, Berklee College of Music Online, Jazzschool, and more

Lyrical Dance
galactic temple, elemental, lyrical choreography, contemporary, jazz, ballet, Latin, tribal belly, water/aerial yoga, flow arts, and somatic biophysics/geometry – sacred dance studios, CLI Studios, and more

Visionary Art/Design
galactic biofashion & crystal jewelry design, digital painting & graphic arts, feng shui/geomancy, eco architecture design, interior/landscape design, holographic video, and sacred geometry drawing – Photoshop, WordPress, Resolume VJ, Feng Shui institute, filmmaking academy, and more

Oracle Poetics
metaphysics poetry and cosmic oracle writing

Harmonic Physics, Cosmology & Biology
harmonic sound-light physics, cosmology, sacred geometry, quantum bioenergy medicine, and elemental nutrition – Keylontic Science, Resonance Science Academy, and more

Psi/Shamanic Healing Arts
shamanic soul retrieval, clairvoyant Akashic Records readings, oracle/tarot, intuitive Gene Keys/Human Design/astrology, twin flames/soul mates, hypno-breathwork, holistic bodywork, God/dess tantra, gourmet superfood/elixir cuisine, aromatherapy, flower essences, psychedelic therapy, crystal energy grids, and more – Soulwave, psychic institutes, and more

Holistic Business
feminine web entrepreneurship, sovereign wealth building, cryptocurrency investment – women’s business academies and more

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